The Commerce, Economy, Trade & Public Health Conference 2024 has now drawn to a close.
The CETPH 2024 conference brought together national and international delegates and speakers across many and varied arenas across commerce, economy, trade and public health to discuss the priorities and actions needed for equitable health outcomes for all.
Thank you to our presenting partner - VicHealth - for their support.
Click here to see the full Facebook album.
The policies and practices of public and private market actors have significant bearing on the state’s capacity to promote and protect human health and the healthiness of the environments in which people work, live, and play. This conference will focus on the interface between commerce, economy, trade and public health, and in particular how these priorities and actions can be balanced to improve outcomes equitably within and across societies.
Commerce, economy and trade directly touch on many aspects of public health and its regulation, including access to medicines, prevention of non-communicable diseases, political and commercial determinants of health, health security, public procurement, and pandemic preparedness, as well as structuring the broader socioeconomic and political conditions that shape human health and health equity. There is a need to understand the diverse impacts of commerce, economy and trade on health, and to equitably protect and promote health through improved policy coherence.
The aim of the conference is to bring together current learnings and build a public health research agenda on market/commercial domains and human health. Areas of action that will be explored throughout the conference include strengthening governance for health, the interface between health and trade & investment, Indigenous knowledge and perspectives, equity of outcomes, political economy, the role of tax and finance systems, management of conflicts of interest, and redressing power relations within and between the public and private spheres. Contributions relevant to these topics are sought from those involved in public health, social science, political science, law and policy research.
Conference sub themes
Below are the themes for the Conference. This list of themes is not exhaustive and is intended to convey the breadth of topics of potential interest to conference delegates.
International trade and investment and health
Commercial and political determinants of health
Wellbeing economies and other alternative economic systems
Global, regional and local governance for health
Financialisation and finance systems
Conference Scope
2-day conference including:
Call for abstracts (concurrent session)
Invited expert panels

Ms Bonnie Matheson
Manager, Commercial Determinants of Health
P: 03 9667 1333