Call for Abstract Reviewers - Now Closed
We are calling for abstract reviewers to join the Abstract Review Committee for the virtual Justice Health Conference 2021. The virtual Conference will be held from Wednesday 3 to Thursday 4 November 2021.
Each reviewer will be responsible for blind reviewing up to 20 abstracts and each abstract will have 3 reviewers. Review criteria and information on how to review the abstracts will be provided once the call for reviewers closes on Sunday 18 July 2021 at 11:59pm AEST.
All reviewing is done electronically via a website portal and instructions will be provided to enable you to view, score and comment on the abstracts and recommend an offer of presentation.
If you are able to review abstracts, please complete the online registration below. Once the required amount of reviewers has been reached the registrations will close. Reviews will need to be completed between Thursday 22 July - Thursday 29 July 2021.
Abstract registrations for the Abstract Review Committee closed at 11:59pm AEST on Sunday 11 July 2021.
More Information
For further information contact the PHAA Events Team on; ​​​
T: 02 6171 1310